On Sunday, June 11, 2017, the Director General of Joint Crisis Coordination Centre (JCC), Hoshang Mohamed, received the Mr. Klaus-Jurgen Hedrich, President of Help Organization, and former German parliament member, and Ms. Lisa Hilleke, country director of HELP in Kurdistan Region and Iraq.
Mr. Hoshang Mohamed warmly welcomed the delegation at the JCC and appreciated the role of HELP in providing assistance to the displaced people and host communities. He also briefed the delegation about the current priorities and the displacement crisis and highlighted the needs for continued humanitarian assistance even for after ISIS. He also explained the importance of supporting old IDPs and provide technical and financial support for the IDPs already returned to their areas of origin.
He gave an overview to the delegation about the KRG’s capacity in supporting the displaced people, stating that the KRG’s capacity has been depleted due to the arrival of the large number of IDPs to the Kurdistan Region and explained that the role of NGOs for the post-ISIS stage is crucial to support the government in the stabilization process.
Mr. Hedrich pleased to have visited JCC and shared his respective about the post-ISIS era, saying that they will continue their support for the IDPs in the Kurdistan Region especially after the defeat of ISIS.