On Wednesday, September 5, the Joint Crisis Coordination Centre (JCC) held a workshop to the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) stakeholders to discuss the Strategy for the Disaster and Crisis Training Institute in the Ministry of Interior for in-house capacity building as part of the strategic plan to establish Disaster and Crisis Management System in the Kurdistan Region.
Mr. Hoshang Mohamed, the Director General of the JCC, welcomed and thanks the senior representatives of the government for their cooperation with JCC and the international experts deployed by UNDP to help implementing the strategic plan for establishing the disaster and crisis management system in Kurdistan. He briefed the participants about the progress of the action and the projects finished and other ongoing projects and activities. He stressed on the importance of the cooperation and collaboration between the stakeholders to implement the strategic plan and the level of technical and financial from our key partners including UNDP, THW, MSB, and GIZ. Then, he highlighted the need and value of having in-house capacity to for human resource development.
Dr. Sami Jalal, the Director General of Divan at the Ministry of Interior, briefed the meeting about the roles of the Civil Defense institute in terms of crisis response and civil defense in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq. He stated that the Ministry of Interior has made the development of human resources one of its priority and therefore established two institutions including the Civil Defense Institute.
Then, the UNDP seconded expert delivered a detail presentation about the new strategy for the Disaster and Crisis Training Institute that she has developed with the support of JCC and in close collaboration with all government stakeholders.
Additionally, the floor was opened for the participants to share their comments and present views on the strategy. After a comprehensive review and discussions of the strategy, several revisions were made and many recommendations suggested to enrich and improve the strategy.
The purpose of the strategy is to upgrade and promote the current Civil Defense Institute in the Ministry of Interior to become centre of excellence to train and build capacities of all government and non-government stakeholders in crisis and disaster management.
The meeting attended by the senior representatives of Ministries of Planning, Education, Health, Health, and Department of Foreign Relations, Universities of Sulaimani and Duhok, UNDP, Iraqi Red Crescent Society, Rwanga and BCF.