Erbil, Kurdistan Region
8 May 2017
The Joint Crisis Coordination Centre (JCC), held its regular monthly Humanitarian Coordination Forum in Erbil to discuss the priorities in dealing with the humanitarian crisis in the Kurdistan Region and challenges surrounding the Mosul humanitarian consequences and the process of returnees of the IDPs and displacement.
JCC’s Director General Hoshang Mohamed welcomed the participants and highlighted the priorities including a balanced approach between responding to the new emergences and helping the old displaced people, bridging humanitarian response to the resilience building of the IDPs, refugees, and host communities and then explained the KRG’s policy on the displacement, return and recovery.
The meeting focused on the current issues and challenges facing the process of returnees of the IDPs, providing more services to the IDPs and refugees and host community in the Kurdistan Region. All of the aspects of the response, ways and mechanisms discussed in detail to ensure a well-coordinated efforts to provide life-saving assistance to the new IDPs arriving in camps, ensure voluntary return of the IDPs to the liberated areas and implementation of sustainable projects for the IDPs to benefit host communities.
Director General of Health in Erbil Dr Saman Barzinji attended the meeting and he briefed the forum about the challenges and issues facing health sector as their capacity is already depleted to provide services for the IDPs and refugees inside and outside camps, calling for more support to the health sector in the Kurdistan Region to cope with the level of the humanitarian crisis.
The meeting ended with several recommendations to be taken jointly by government and UN agencies, clusters and NGOs to address the outstanding challenges and issues highlighted in the meeting.
The HCF is chaired by the Director General of the JCC and Co-chaired by Head of OCHA and attended by Director General of the Directorate of Erbil Health, Senior Representatives of the Iraqi Ministry of Migration and Displacement, KRG Department of Foreign Relations, Ministry of Municipalities, and Directors of JCC offices in Erbil, Slemani and Duhok and Representatives and Regional Coordinators of the UN-Agencies and Clusters.