Today, Monday 25 July 2017, His Excellency Mr. Kareem Sinjari, the Minister of Interior received Mss. Ursula Muller, the Assistance Secretary General of the United Nations for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator. In the meeting, Mr. Hoshang Mohamed, the Director General of Joint Crises Coordination Center and Mss. Lisa Grande, the Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq were present.
Ms. Muller explained the aim of their visit which was to closely see the situation of the refugees and IDPs in Kurdistan and Iraq, particularly in the post-ISIS phase and the upcoming difficulties facing IDPs return, also, and providing services and assistance to the IDPs and returnees.
Minister Karim Sinjari warmly welcomed the delegation in their first visit to Kurdistan Region and Iraq, and hoped such visits to continue in the future, as it has a major significance in discussing the difficulties facing Kurdistan Region.
Miss. Muller extended her thanks and appreciation to the KRG and the people in Kurdistan for hosting huge number of IDPs and refugees and the continuous assistance and support offered to this massive number of IDPs and Refugees in the Region despite of all the difficulties they are encountering till now. Also, she showed her gratitude to KRG in sheltering and providing services for the displaced people without discrimination regardless of their religion, ethnicity and gender. She assured that as United Nations, they will make serious efforts to support Kurdistan region in order to be able to provide IDPs and the needed services.
In return, Mr. Sinjari appreciated the United Nations and International NGOs’ continuous support and coordination, and requested them to further support the KRG institutions especially in post-ISIS stage, which is a very critical phase and it is necessary for the United Nations to have an affective role in that.
Later, he briefed them about the humanitarian, security and economic crises in Kurdistan region and assured that in coordination with UN agencies and International NGOs, the efforts to provide services to the IDPs and refugees will continue, also they will fully support and facilitate the IDPs’ retuning process to their homes in the liberated areas voluntarily and without any sort of pressure.