Erbil, 7 August 2017
Mr. Hoshang Mohamed, Director General of the Joint Crisis Coordination Centre, received Ms. Heidi Diedrich, Country Director of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) to discuss the current humanitarian crisis and post ISIS stage.
Mr. Hoshang welcomed Ms. Diedrich and extended thanks and appreciation for NRC’s continued humanitarian assistance to the IDPs, refugees and host communities in Kurdistan Region. He highlighted that the long term commitment from the NRC and International community is critical to help KRG and the local administrations to deal with the complex- combination of crisis within the bigger crisis in Kurdistan Region and Iraq, especially the return of IDPs.
Ms. Diedrich expressed her thanks and appreciation for the JCC’s support and cooperation with NRC and stated that NRC is committed and will stay longer to support the displaced and most vulnerable people in the host communities and liberated areas. She added that NRC will continue to advocate on behalf of the displaced people to garner more international support and assistance to the people, especially the post ISIS stage stabilization and return of the IDPs to their homes.
In the meeting, both sides agreed that a long term comprehensive plan through an inclusive process is the key for restoring long term peace, stability and social cohesion among all communities. And they agreed to continue such dialogue to further enhance the existing cooperation between JCC and NRC.