July 4, 2018, Erbil, Kurdistan Region
The Joint Crisis Coordination Centre (JCC), in collaboration with the UN OCHA held its regular Humanitarian Coordination Forum in Erbil to discuss the humanitarian situation in the Kurdistan Region.
The meeting focused on the current capacity and preparedness on all sectors and the coordination challenges. All the aspects of the response, ways and mechanisms discussed in detail to ensure well-coordinated efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the displaced people and new arrivals in the Kurdistan Region.
JCC Director General Hoshang Mohamed at the beginning of the meeting, briefed the participants about the JCC’s humanitarian activities and thanked all side for their continued support for the Kurdistan Region in dealing with the humanitarian crisis. He explained the KRG’s humanitarian policies and stated that we will continue to provide all assistance that we can to our partners to continue helping IDPs and refugees.
Mr. Mohamed highlighted that IDPs are still coming to the Kurdistan Region and said that since January 2018, over ten thousand people arrived in Kurdistan, mainly to Erbil and settled in the camps. Then, he highlighted the priorities including, camp management, food assistance, first aid and emergency preparedness, health and medical services, livelihood projects and technical support to build the local and national capacities. He urged the UN agencies to continue their support to the displaced people in the camps and outside camps.
Mr. Aidan Oleary, Head of OCHA, highlighted their efforts to support the displaced people and reiterated the commitment of the UN Country Team’s commitment to continue supporting the IDPs and refugees, meanwhile stressed on the importance of safe, voluntary and dignified return of the displaced people to their areas of origin.
During the meeting, the UN-Agencies and Clusters coordinators gave updates about their activities and projects and about Internally Displaced People (IDPs). They also highlighted the gaps, needs and the services already provided to the IDPs. Directors of the Crisis Response Offices in the governorates provided updates on the humanitarian situation in their respected governorates and illustrated gaps and challenges.
The HCF is chaired by the Director General of the JCC and Co-chaired by Head of OCHA and attended by Senior Representatives of the KRG’s Department of Foreign Relations, Ministry of Municipalities, and Directors of JCC offices in Erbil, Slemani and Duhok, Representatives and Regional Coordinators of the UN-Agencies and Clusters.