On Thursday, February 23, 2017, the JCC Council, Chaired by KRG Minister of Interior, H.E. Karim Sinjari, held its first monthly meeting in the 2017, to discuss several key priorities issues where put forward by JCC.
In the meeting, Minister Sinjari briefed the council members about the key challenges currently facing the Kurdistan Region, and stated that “now, we have to deal with three challenges including keeping the public services running for entire population, inclusive of IDPs and refugees, responding to the Mosul emergency and the continued influxes of IDPs also the stabilization and return process of the displaced people.”
Minister highlighted the KRG’s policy on the key challenges and issues, said that we have to ensure the civic services are provided, helping the newly displaced people from Mosul, Hawija and other areas also supporting stabilization and return of the IDPs to their homes with dignity and respect upon their free decision.
Additionally, the Minister emphasized the importance of continued coordination and cooperation internally among the KRG’s institutions, “our internal coordination and cooperation is key to successful implementation of the policies and strategies of the government” he stated.
After a detailed discussions and exchange of views on the agenda points, the meeting concluded with several actions and agreed on a number of recommendations to be put forward to the KRG’s Cabinet for further discussion and decisions to address the outstanding challenges and issues identified in the meeting.
The meeting attended by Director General of JCC, Senior representatives of key line Ministries; Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance and Economy, Ministry of Municipality and Tourism, Department of Foreign Relations, Directors of the JCC Crisis Response Offices of Erbil, Slemani and Duhok, and Director of JCC’s Crisis Response and Management.