Since Military Operation started to liberate Mosul City on 17/10/2016, more than 214,000 people have been displaced of whom 111,000 people settled into Erbil and Duhok Governorates. The east part of Mosul has been liberated completely, yet IDP influx arrives to Kurdistan Region on daily basis. In average, every day more than 500 people reach Peshmarga frontlines, and then transferred to reception centers and camps. Within last week, (2473) people have been displaced from East part of Mosul and arrived to Erbil and Duhok.
Out of total IDPs in Kurdistan Region, only 44,000 individuals returned to their place of origin. Within last two weeks, the number of returnees has been reduced, while the numbers of arrivals are increased due to deterioration of security situation in east part of Mosul and lack of public services, this led people to flee into Kurdistan Region.
Although, the relevant authorities from Asaysh and Ministry of Interior provided enough supports and facilities for volunteer returnees, however the number of returnees has been reduced dramatically due to security concern and lack of public services in recently liberated areas.
Since the beginning of Liberation Operation of west part of Mosul on 9/2/2017, thousands of people fled their homes, 32,000 people displaced and accommodated in the camps of west Mosul.
The number of IDP arrivals are expected to increase, once military operation reaches in the residential areas. New IDP influxes are predicted to flee into Kurdistan Region due to lack of settlements, services and insecurity in the camps located in west par of Mosul. Again, this might create heavy burden on public services and security authorities in the Kurdistan Regional Government due to current financial crisis and lack of humanitarian supports by the central government, international community and UN agencies.
Hoshang Mohamad
Director General
Joint Crisis Coordination Centre